physical activity: for mental focus, attention, stamina, and growing my brain
Caveat: I’m writing this post as much for myself as for anyone else who might happen upon it. Physical activity is good for you. Right? Do the cardio regularly to keep your heart and lungs strong. Do the resistance training (body weight or power lifting) for your muscle mass, bone mass, and connective tissue health. Do the stretching (simple or a deep meditative yoga practice) to stay limber and flexible. Sitting is the new smoking. Inactivity is killing us softly with its song. All true. But, there’s a part that we rarely talk about that is just as important for practicing performing musicians. Physical activity is good for our brains. Specifically the parts of our brains that help us focus and drill deeply into our practice. Check out this short excerpt of Dr. Wendy Suzuki, Neuroscientist at NYU.
Holy Cats! This is game changing. That physical activity that you are doing for your heart/lungs/muscles/joints/fascia and the endorphin rush that feels so so good…it’s also key to strengthening your brain and making it more flexible. I’ve experienced this first hand when I’ve built a schedule that includes mental/academic activities or music practice sessions within an hour of strenuous exercise. Hour on the treadmill doing hills, quick shower and a cup of coffee and then launch into the deep reading or deep coordination exercise. And, reminder that it’s also good for your mood.