santa fe jazz jam

1st sundays 1-3 pm

treno pizzeria and taproom

112 s 1st street temple, tx

An opportunity for young aspiring jazz musicians to play with a professional rhythm section.

  • ii

    I’ve wanted to create a nurturing environment for kids to experience the joy of playing jazz in a nonacademic setting for a really long time. It’s here!! While downtown Temple, TX may not be a hotbed of live music, on the 1st Sunday of each month we take the stage and make music!!

  • V7

    This is an opportunity for young aspiring jazzers to perform onstage in front of an adoring live audience with a professional rhythm section driving the train. Middle school, High school, and College students are all welcome to sit in, call a tune, and experience the magic of spontaneous creation.

  • I

    Creativity is the engine of human growth. And, improvisation isn’t something we should be afraid of. We don’t communicate thru memorized speeches. We improvise. We don’t dream according to a script. Our minds play and improvise. This jam is a chance for kids to play with sound.

Jazz Jam photos by Chris Winston: #cdw21