Having stuff means worrying about losing stuff. It is no surprise to me that the happiest people I’ve ever encountered were those who our culture would consider as living in abject poverty. They had just the clothes on their backs, a roof (such as it was) over their heads, and just enough food to eat. But they weren’t worried about someone stealing or scratching the paint on their new car. Let me be clear, I’m not anti-progress or anti-money or against the ideal of financial comfort. My point is that living your life for the money and worrying more if you’ve been overcharged by a few dollars or that inflation has made your budget tighter is entirely missing the point of life. Money can and will come and go. But, you’ve only a certain number of days left in your life. You can’t earn more time. Or save it up. Yet, strangely, as humans, we squander this most precious resource and don’t seem to be worried about losing it at all. We doom scroll. We watch mindless shows and sporting events that are really nothing more than bread and circuses. We worry. We fret. We sleep in and take extra naps. We piss away the one thing that we have a finite amount of. The one thing that we actually truly own. Our time. WTH?!
Memento Mori
Remember that you too shall die. We all do.
Consequently, your time is worth so much more than your money. Be conscious of the ways that you spend it and be careful of ‘killing’ time.